Thursday, July 5, 2012

I told you so


I told her over and over again, baskets are an act of an evil loa!  I told her not to eat the food at darkmoon fair, I told her their sanitary techniques are horrible.  Did she listen to her crazy lifemate chef that has YEARS of experience, NOPE!  Now shes sick, shes got a super tummy bug and I will be there the whole time to rub her tummy as she did with me when I had some sort of bug in my apple pies.

I ran the meeting tonight, felt good.  I also promoted Shoe, I love seeing her as a tribesmate, shes bright and amazing at keeping people happy.

Baskets are evil, big ol' germ farms, NEVER TRUST BASKETS!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012



I have made a new friend!  She is of the elements, I simply know this because I can talk to her.  I met chuck in Felwood while trying to get new parts for the project I am completing before me and my lifemates one year mark. I have made a little drawing of the following friend to better describe what she looks like.  She seems to like hugs, long walks along water lines and eats everything including bits of metal.

My project is coming along nicely, I need to remember not to add to many components and keep it light.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012



Found something on the goblin radio that reminded me of Urukha and myself.

~The sounds of the radio buzz in the background.~

Monday, July 2, 2012

Many Things


I attended Westel's and his mates wedding.  There were many pretty words exchanged as well as a kiss, but there was no blessing of the loa, no fight of dominance nor a blood binding.  I wonder how elves truly bind themselves to one another.  I myself have found comfort into simply closing my eyes and being able to feel the presence of Urukha within my being.  We are bound by that and will never be unwoven, nor with my binding to kimdreg, does Westel feel the same?  If not, it explains why he could rip away his new wives husband away from him so easily.   I do not know Westel's new lifemate, she seems pleasant enough.

Urukha has grown her hair out and tied it up into a topknot.  It is quite pleasing to feel with my fingertips as I enjoy the simple texture of her hair.  I often enjoy the sensation of the scent as we lay in bed at night.  I did mention that Kimdreg had her hair similar to that and it was even further as it reached down to her calves.  When asked, she stated she simply wanted to try something different, this difference is much more enjoyable than what she had tried before.

Zazii before leaving the tree hill gave me a big smooch on my helmet, then stated he was going to go work out.  Though it does perplex me what type of work he went off to do.  It also peeks my curiosity why he did what he did, and then ignored the massive spread of food I made him.

Went to an emergency circus tonight, rode ponies and buried a crab.  Though I feel the spirit would have better re leaved to see its body being used and eaten rather than just put into sand.  I spoke a simple poem and ran out of words so I ended it the best I could.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Goblin Raido

~click there was a sound of pip squealing with delight~

Found a good orish song that speaks to me. ~There was a sound that came from the reciver~

Friday, June 29, 2012

Dinner Party


Tonight Gomjin and Zazii have invited us over for a dinner party.  They insisted that I bring the food and of course as a chef I am dedicated to making everyone around me happy and full.  I asked them what they would like and they just simply argued over pork or snails.  I have decided to bring both, I will be heading to westfall for the best snails today.  I plan on getting them and using a stuffed mushroom recipe I learned years back to appease Gom'jin, and to appease Zazii Ill bring uru's fathers recipe for bbq sauce in pulled pork sandwiches, along with some of my stuffed frogs.  I wonder what will happen tonight?  Zazii and Gom'jin have always been aquatints and it be neat to see what they truly are like. 

Last night was Dunerok's 4th anniversary in the tribe.  I honestly do not think the tribe nor I would be the same if he was not part of us.  He was a mentor when I was an intitate even before there were mentors.  I remember smoking with him all those days and laughing with him.  I need to figure out when he is not studying to sneak a smoke in or two with him.   

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Zazii's Scroll


Last night Zazii brought me something grand.  It was a scroll of all the available positions mates can achieve.  I called my lifemate wanting to take advantage of said scroll, she seems to approve of said thing.  I do not believe I have felt more excited about a scroll in such a long time.  We finished some business my lifemate needed and set to work on trying them.  I shall not go into details here but I quite enjoy it!

Zazii and Gomjin invited us over to a party, of course I am responsible for cooking and they decided that I was free to take orders.  Cooking does give me a rush of positive feelings so I agreed.  We also discussed chilli, and how to make such a thing, perhaps I shall slow chilli tomorrow morning so it is ready tomorrow night after the tribe meeting.

Last night I decided to make something simple, a sesame, honey, chilli, potato chunks of sorts.  It was something new and had a nice balance of spice, cool and sweet.

To go along with these things I made a quick and cool ham sandwich.