Friday, September 30, 2011

Hates and Loves

There is an elf in the tribe that simply rubs me the wrong way.   I don’t normally try to judge a person by their race, I have quite a few elf friends but something about this one makes my alarms up.  Perhaps it was because she was asking so many sexual questions about Urukha and myself.. or perhaps she trys to be a little to physically friendly with me.  Either way I do not trust her, I know she is family she is of the tribe but there is something about her. Yesterday she asked Westel several questions pertaining to his watch, of course it was just me and Urukha and well we were busy being lovey dovey.   I personally am just happy with my soon to be lifemate, but if Uru wants to mate with another I am forced to do what makes her happy.  She tells me often she is happy with me and only me but that is what Chopsie said, and often with failed lifematings one seems to always question themselves about these things.

Am I boring, do I restrict to much?  I often lay awake snuggled next to Urkha wondering when she will grow bored of me.  No matter how much my soon to be lifemate reminds me the shadows of that past always seem to overwhelm me.  I find my own temper growing shorter and shorter for those whom assume my lack of intelligence, and even when others insult my lifemate Chopsie I find losing my own sanity to anger.  I know many of them want the best for me, saw me when I was miserable but I suppose others don’t remember the absolute bliss she brought me when we were together, I would have never asked her to lifemate with me if –I- was not in love with her and I was truly and deeply.  Urukha brought up a good point of her possibly lying to me about not remembering whom I was.  Either way it does not matter, I have decided to let her live her life, to possibly fall in love with a male and make a family that she has always wanted.  If or when she ever remembers me or needs me, I am bound by duty if she remembers me or not to lay my life down for her, she is my lifemate. 
I remember Chopsie and my first hunt together, the poor orcess could not set up a tent to save her life.  That night she found tracks of the snow leopard we hunted and to my own fault the leopard found us and scratched the hell out of my face, but at the end we had a snow leopard couples blanket.  She bitched complained but she had fun, not only she told me but I could see the light in her eyes.  I took our my belly button ring, it hurt to much to look down at the scared flesh I pierced for her.  It will remain there for the rest of my life as a reminder of my once love for her.  I looked at the red ring this morning the little gem sparkling in the morning light and it reminded me how much Chopsie and Uru have in common, it also reminded me how much they differed.  Urukha’s and my love is different from Chopsies and mine.  Chopsie loved the leadership in social situations, I was her slave in those moments and I enjoyed being in the shadows and listening to my lifemate laughing and having a good time.  Uru is more submissive in all situations but yet she is more independent, I enjoy my soon to be lifemates personality with her pirate loving flaws and all.


~Click~  Today one of the wizards that works on the towers of dalaran called me colorful.  I looked at him a few moments in contemplation of the verbiage he used.  While yes my skin is blue does not make me any different that say another troll and hell even elves are this odd peach color.  I told the elf I had no idea what he meant and he just simply laughed at me and walked away.

Why do people do that?  I understood it was a insult right to my face, I dont believe he was aware of my skill to shove my weapons through his skull and end his comfortable, pillow sleeping life.

Urukha's birthday is coming up,  while I have several idea's for gifts for her I am worried she may not like them.  Part of me wants to go over the top, wants to do what I always do with gift, the other part believes that she will enjoy anything I give her.  She had displayed a great interest in a bed we came across in hellfire on our little adventures, we looked at it and there was crazy fabric not across the bed but hanging from it as bubbles streamed from the tops.  It had no use and well we very well may break he bed soon as we get it, but it seemed to make her happy.  The other idea was a new riding mount for our adventures, we try to go on them once a week where we enjoy each others company other than just walking into bed and passing out next to one another.

Decisions Decisions ~click~

Thursday, September 29, 2011


~The goblin recording device starts with a click~ I suppose I should start with a few people here and there that I should mention, simply for memory sake and well they mean a lot to my life good or bad.

Kimdreg She was my lifemate, she passed many years ago and watches me from the stars.

Chopsie She is my lifemate, many do not remember her.. or when they do they mock her or try to remind me that she was horrible for me.   Shes my lifemate, we made the oath long ago and I am bound to her, I still love her and I doubt I will ever stop loving her.  Being lifemated means you forgive your mate.. good or bad.  Perhaps her memory loss was for the best.

Urukha my soon to be lifemate.  Dear loa you will most likely hear me going on and on about her.  She means the world to me, we have our differences and for fuck sakes ninjas are way better. ~Rumbles for a few moments~ To reduce the lovely dovey or sexual content of this recording I shall talk about her later.

Dunerok My brother, we bound ourselves by oaths long ago.  He helped me through way to much when I heard the additional voices from shadows mourn.

Ana We had a few scares with Head worms a few years back and we've had a strong bond since, at least part the time.  I do believe Ana also has brain damage like myself.  She also talks to fish..

Westly;You know I spent years not spending hardly any time with her.  She seemed to be just another elf that was far off into her own little world.  Little did I know that I would be come so close to her in such little time.  Shes allergic to EVERYTHING, she always tries to kiss me and hit on me, but.. shes adorable in her odd little way when shes not trying to shove her peach in my face, we are like sisters.

Glenshadow; Mmm hes a normal troll, powerful, overbearing and controlling but hes a good honorable troll.  He does right for the tribe he never complains about my food and he seems to know how to have a good time.

Almost Dead Lady;  This woman.. Annjia is her name helped me read orcish for the first time since my accident.  She has also taught me how to write, she is quite amazing and loves deserts!  She never seems to complain about my food!

More to come

Ma Life n shit

~There was a defined click of the goblin recording device and shuffling can be heard, Pip's voice boomed through in trollish~ Greetings goblin device!  ~She would rumble and chuckle~ I used to own such a object long ago and lost it and finally I got up enough nerve to purchase another one.  Many people keep one of these such things or a journal as it where to keep track of their emotions, to expand ones mind, I am no such person.  You see odd little recording device, I am Pipiltin Sharptusk and my memory is not always the best, many people would make lame excuse explaining that they just simply cannot remember, I have the constant pleasure and pain in the ass of possessing a damaged brain.  No I am no longer half brained but some things just do not work the way I wish them sometimes.  Enough of analyzing my silly brain onto the juicy things.

~The troll lets out another deep booming chuckle~ Oh how my life has changed over the 6 months.  I have lost my beloved life mate Chopsie, I lost my own child and when things looked about as low as they ever have (That is quite low considering I lost half  of my brain at one point, I think I am better but just have some memory problems) I found my current mate Urukha.

Now before you go on judging and you very well may, I am a troll of strong emotions, I live and die by my love, my anger, my oaths.  It is truly the only thing that has been constant in my life and I wish to keep it that way.  My old shaman instructor always told me I had a little to much fire in my belly and one day it may burn me.  He was right sadly, Ive been burned to many times, I've been heart broken over and over again and tricked many times.  I may be half brained but the only problems I may have is my memory and really I don't speak orcish quite as accurately as I would like.  There are many nights I stay up wondering if people truly understand my orcish to begin with.